Cancer Zodiac sign starts from June 21st to July 22nd each calendar year. It is also followed that the effects of Cancer Zodiac sign takes around 6-7 days to come into its full effects.
Ragu is in the Kadaga rasi is not good for this people. Their initiation about certain dealings will meet hurdles in a bigger way. At first, they will get opposition from their counterparts. Mentally they will get disturbed which will lead to sleepless night. Adding fuel to the fire, their spouses also will question their activities instead of giving support. This is the position of Kadaga Lagna people very cautiously pedaling should be done when they deal with their customers. This is not for business people, auditors, doctors, financiers, politicians, etc.
9th place lord Jupiter is in the fourth place gives wealth, vehicles, etc. Guru mangala yogam is working for them to a larger extent. However in the 6th Place Saturen is there, it will give lot of hurdles and difficulties in the Court cases, in their health. Even the lawyer’s of this people will likely to talk favouring the opposition parties.
Husband and wife relationship however goes with harmoniously. Generally Kadaga lagna people’s sexual life is not commendable, They are virtually affected by their children and because of this, their mental balance will be very much affected. Ladies or gents sometimes get immoral relationship and take it lightly also. They will not give much importance to moral life. This is because the fifth place lies on Viruchiga rAsi which is in turn 8th house of Kala Chakra.
As Jupiter and Mars are together in the fourth place, real estate business will improve for some people in a larger way.
Advertisement for business or self better to wait for this month. Because Mercury planet is working together Saturn planet which is having Ashamadhipati dosha.
Ragu is in the Kadaga rasi is not good for this people. Their initiation about certain dealings will meet hurdles in a bigger way. At first, they will get opposition from their counterparts. Mentally they will get disturbed which will lead to sleepless night. Adding fuel to the fire, their spouses also will question their activities instead of giving support. This is the position of Kadaga Lagna people very cautiously pedaling should be done when they deal with their customers. This is not for business people, auditors, doctors, financiers, politicians, etc.
9th place lord Jupiter is in the fourth place gives wealth, vehicles, etc. Guru mangala yogam is working for them to a larger extent. However in the 6th Place Saturen is there, it will give lot of hurdles and difficulties in the Court cases, in their health. Even the lawyer’s of this people will likely to talk favouring the opposition parties.
Husband and wife relationship however goes with harmoniously. Generally Kadaga lagna people’s sexual life is not commendable, They are virtually affected by their children and because of this, their mental balance will be very much affected. Ladies or gents sometimes get immoral relationship and take it lightly also. They will not give much importance to moral life. This is because the fifth place lies on Viruchiga rAsi which is in turn 8th house of Kala Chakra.
As Jupiter and Mars are together in the fourth place, real estate business will improve for some people in a larger way.
Advertisement for business or self better to wait for this month. Because Mercury planet is working together Saturn planet which is having Ashamadhipati dosha.
Ragu is in the Kadaga rasi is not good for this people. Their initiation about certain dealings will meet hurdles in a bigger way. At first, they will get opposition from their counterparts. Mentally they will get disturbed which will lead to sleepless night. Adding fuel to the fire, their spouses also will question their activities instead of giving support. This is the position of Kadaga Lagna people very cautiously pedaling should be done when they deal with their customers. This is not for business people, auditors, doctors, financiers, politicians, etc.
9th place lord Jupiter is in the fourth place gives wealth, vehicles, etc. Guru mangala yogam is working for them to a larger extent. However in the 6th Place Saturen is there, it will give lot of hurdles and difficulties in the Court cases, in their health. Even the lawyer’s of this people will likely to talk favouring the opposition parties.
Husband and wife relationship however goes with harmoniously. Generally Kadaga lagna people’s sexual life is not commendable, They are virtually affected by their children and because of this, their mental balance will be very much affected. Ladies or gents sometimes get immoral relationship and take it lightly also. They will not give much importance to moral life. This is because the fifth place lies on Viruchiga rAsi which is in turn 8th house of Kala Chakra.
As Jupiter and Mars are together in the fourth place, real estate business will improve for some people in a larger way.
Advertisement for business or self better to wait for this month. Because Mercury planet is working together Saturn planet which is having Ashamadhipati dosha.
Ragu is in the Kadaga rasi is not good for this people. Their initiation about certain dealings will meet hurdles in a bigger way. At first, they will get opposition from their counterparts. Mentally they will get disturbed which will lead to sleepless night. Adding fuel to the fire, their spouses also will question their activities instead of giving support. This is the position of Kadaga Lagna people very cautiously pedaling should be done when they deal with their customers. This is not for business people, auditors, doctors, financiers, politicians, etc.
9th place lord Jupiter is in the fourth place gives wealth, vehicles, etc. Guru mangala yogam is working for them to a larger extent. However in the 6th Place Saturen is there, it will give lot of hurdles and difficulties in the Court cases, in their health. Even the lawyer’s of this people will likely to talk favouring the opposition parties.
Husband and wife relationship however goes with harmoniously. Generally Kadaga lagna people’s sexual life is not commendable, They are virtually affected by their children and because of this, their mental balance will be very much affected. Ladies or gents sometimes get immoral relationship and take it lightly also. They will not give much importance to moral life. This is because the fifth place lies on Viruchiga rAsi which is in turn 8th house of Kala Chakra.
As Jupiter and Mars are together in the fourth place, real estate business will improve for some people in a larger way.
Advertisement for business or self better to wait for this month. Because Mercury planet is working together Saturn planet which is having Ashamadhipati dosha.
Kadaga Lagnam people are very good imaginative and quick action oriented people, vastly traveling minded. They used to travel in the fasted mode like plane, rockets specially those who are having Moon in their lagnam either 3rd and 9th lord used to travel videly over the country or international travel. They used to get their wishes fulfilled because Moon is the planet which makes Dasa as per their fate. If the dasa and fate are coinciding together, they will achieve their ambitions to a greater extent. The people who attained the maximum position in this world, or because great personalities are those in whose horoscopes, Kadagam rasi or lagnam will be related in their birth chart.
If the moon planet is growth oriented, their ambition will be fulfilled without any problem or huddles. If the Moon is retarding or diminishing trend their ambitions will be fulfilled but during the process they will experience lot of problems huddles etc.
In this month, in the lagnam, Ragu planet is situated which is not a friendly planet to Moon. In this house as Ragu has come, people’s mind will be disturbed will not sleep peacefully very bad dreams they will see. In studies, they will experience problems, huddles. They will forger what they studied do not remember.
In the third place, Venus and Mars are together means their strength of mind will get disturbed because of the husband for wife or vice versa. Therefore, do not look heart while dealing with people national travel. They used to get their wishes fulfilled because. Moon is the planet which make Dasa as per their fate. If the dasa and fate are coinciding together, they will achieve their ambitions to a greater extent. The people who attained the maximum position in this world, or become great personalities are those in whose horoscopes Kadagam Rasi or lagnam will be related in their birth chart.
If the Moon planet is growth oriented, their ambition will be fulfilled without any problem or huddles. If the moon is retarding or diminishing trend their ambitions will be fulfilled but during the process they will experience lot of problems, huddles, etc,
In this month, in the lagnam Ragu planet is situated whici is not a friendly planet to Moon. In this house as Ragu has come these people’s mind will be disturbed. Students mind will get disturbed will not sleep peacefully very bad dreams they will see. In the studies, they will experience problems huddles,. They will forget
Sunday : Ruby