Sagittarius Zodiac sign starts from November 22nd to December 21st each calendar year. It is also followed that the effects of Sagittarius Zodiac sign takes around 6-7 days to come into its full effects.
Sagittarius are always fortunate people as Bhagya Sthanam is their birth lagnam. Saturn is in the lagnam means, it will give perpetual income. Those who are in search of the job or income generation will enable them to get their satisfaction fulfilled. Thought he source of wife or spouse, income also will be generated.
Those who are in foreign assignment will get them extended because of the effect of the 2nd lord of Saturn’s effect on 9th place of Dhanush. 9th place is famous for foreign tours, jobs. As Saturn is in the nineth place giving sufficient income also. At the same time it deprives of family, friends and many people connections because of its negative characters. Foreign residents those who want to visit their Kith and kins also gets delayed and postponed. Kethu is in the second place also adds support to Saturn planet in this respect. Those who wants to purchase flat, house or land will do so after this month as Mars will move to its friendly place dhansu casting its eve on 4th place i.e. Meenam. During this period property will be added to Dhanusu lagna people. Of course towards this goal, planets are moving their coins in this directions. However, after Jupiter’s transitions, purchasing of property will be done smoothly.
Sagittarius are always fortunate people as Bhagya Sthanam is their birth lagnam. Saturn is in the lagnam means, it will give perpetual income. Those who are in search of the job or income generation will enable them to get their satisfaction fulfilled. Thought he source of wife or spouse, income also will be generated.
Those who are in foreign assignment will get them extended because of the effect of the 2nd lord of Saturn’s effect on 9th place of Dhanush. 9th place is famous for foreign tours, jobs. As Saturn is in the nineth place giving sufficient income also. At the same time it deprives of family, friends and many people connections because of its negative characters. Foreign residents those who want to visit their Kith and kins also gets delayed and postponed. Kethu is in the second place also adds support to Saturn planet in this respect. Those who wants to purchase flat, house or land will do so after this month as Mars will move to its friendly place dhansu casting its eve on 4th place i.e. Meenam. During this period property will be added to Dhanusu lagna people. Of course towards this goal, planets are moving their coins in this directions. However, after Jupiter’s transitions, purchasing of property will be done smoothly.
Sagittarius are always fortunate people as Bhagya Sthanam is their birth lagnam. Saturn is in the lagnam means, it will give perpetual income. Those who are in search of the job or income generation will enable them to get their satisfaction fulfilled. Thought he source of wife or spouse, income also will be generated.
Those who are in foreign assignment will get them extended because of the effect of the 2nd lord of Saturn’s effect on 9th place of Dhanush. 9th place is famous for foreign tours, jobs. As Saturn is in the nineth place giving sufficient income also. At the same time it deprives of family, friends and many people connections because of its negative characters. Foreign residents those who want to visit their Kith and kins also gets delayed and postponed. Kethu is in the second place also adds support to Saturn planet in this respect. Those who wants to purchase flat, house or land will do so after this month as Mars will move to its friendly place dhansu casting its eve on 4th place i.e. Meenam. During this period property will be added to Dhanusu lagna people. Of course towards this goal, planets are moving their coins in this directions. However, after Jupiter’s transitions, purchasing of property will be done smoothly.
Sagittarius are always fortunate people as Bhagya Sthanam is their birth lagnam. Saturn is in the lagnam means, it will give perpetual income. Those who are in search of the job or income generation will enable them to get their satisfaction fulfilled. Thought he source of wife or spouse, income also will be generated.
Those who are in foreign assignment will get them extended because of the effect of the 2nd lord of Saturn’s effect on 9th place of Dhanush. 9th place is famous for foreign tours, jobs. As Saturn is in the nineth place giving sufficient income also. At the same time it deprives of family, friends and many people connections because of its negative characters. Foreign residents those who want to visit their Kith and kins also gets delayed and postponed. Kethu is in the second place also adds support to Saturn planet in this respect. Those who wants to purchase flat, house or land will do so after this month as Mars will move to its friendly place dhansu casting its eve on 4th place i.e. Meenam. During this period property will be added to Dhanusu lagna people. Of course towards this goal, planets are moving their coins in this directions. However, after Jupiter’s transitions, purchasing of property will be done smoothly.
Saturn planet had come to the Lagnam and Kedhu is in the second place. Unless other planets are more powerful and vibrant, they are likely to think all of others and also the income level may shrink for those people who do not have standard level.
For example, people dealing in business, film world will meet problems in their production and execution levels. As Raghu is in the eight place is waiting to give trouble to the people those who are dealing in number 2 business. They should not trust people without known connections, new contacts better to avoid. Swamiji / Sanyasi are likely to get in touch with these people. Financeial dealings will not fetch profit with religious people.
Husband and wife relationship will be better than previous month. As Lagna lord Jupiter is in the 11th Position after transit, they are likely to enjoy in drama, cinema, entertainments, etc but with limitations and as per rules and regulations.
Generally these lagna people will not tolerate anybody doing jobs with intentionally deviating norms. If they come to find out, they will not hesitate to punish them immediately, that is Sagittarius people. They will strictly follow rules as per shrines. Now Saturn planet also joins with them.
Politicians, economic advisors, auditors are all very much flourishing in their professions and their high ambitions wishes will get fulfilled to a larger extent. Husband and wife relationship will be much smoother as 7th Lord Mercury is in the 11th position. Their wife will be more smarter than them. They will take complete control of house hold matter. In this respect these lagna people and more fortunate. They can concentrate on their office or business life. Because of this, they are more career oriented and achieve highest level in their profession or business.
Their aim is very much bigger and also larger in size, their wishes or actions are oriented towards global in nature. Any matter they think may involve all people in the world of entire atmosphere in the globe as such. As Jupiter is in largest planet we have found, this principle applies for the globe as a whole, Similarly any problem they are likely to meet also will be bigger in size and amount also as Ragu planet is in the eight place. One small issue may be developed to a large size. Therefore these people should try to weed out any small problem in the beginning itself. If they do not attend in the starting, then they will have t
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