Aquarius Zodiac sign starts from January 21st to February 18th each calendar year. It is also followed that the effects of Aquarius Zodiac sign takes around 6-7 days to come into its full effects.
Kumba Lagna people are more happy after the transition of Saturn planet to the 11th position. Because long cherished ambitions of their ward’s marriage visiting temples in the far off places going to foreign countries visiting kith and kin will be fulfilled in the near future.
As Mars planet is in the 10th place with full strength and having its special look as this lagnam, they will purchase flat, house or lands. As the same lagnam is also having the look of Jupiter from the 3rd place. Their long cherished ambitions are fulfilled marriages and other good auspicious incidents are likely to occur in their homes. Very good time started for Kumba Lagna people.
Dharshans of Swamijis highly respectful people will be available and because of this unemployed people will get employment plan sanction which was in long time pending will get cleared soon. Long expected foreign assignment will be in the ………… Those who are expecting to get extension of job opportunities will get at the earliest.
The only problem they face will be the financial expenses. They should curtail the expenditures. Because lot of wasteful expenses likely to occur. That should be avoided wherever possible. Health also to be careful while taking food, please avoid stale food because it will be converted to poison as in the sixth place Ragu planet is there.
Kumba Lagna people are more happy after the transition of Saturn planet to the 11th position. Because long cherished ambitions of their ward’s marriage visiting temples in the far off places going to foreign countries visiting kith and kin will be fulfilled in the near future.
As Mars planet is in the 10th place with full strength and having its special look as this lagnam, they will purchase flat, house or lands. As the same lagnam is also having the look of Jupiter from the 3rd place. Their long cherished ambitions are fulfilled marriages and other good auspicious incidents are likely to occur in their homes. Very good time started for Kumba Lagna people.
Dharshans of Swamijis highly respectful people will be available and because of this unemployed people will get employment plan sanction which was in long time pending will get cleared soon. Long expected foreign assignment will be in the ………… Those who are expecting to get extension of job opportunities will get at the earliest.
The only problem they face will be the financial expenses. They should curtail the expenditures. Because lot of wasteful expenses likely to occur. That should be avoided wherever possible. Health also to be careful while taking food, please avoid stale food because it will be converted to poison as in the sixth place Ragu planet is there.
Kumba Lagna people are more happy after the transition of Saturn planet to the 11th position. Because long cherished ambitions of their ward’s marriage visiting temples in the far off places going to foreign countries visiting kith and kin will be fulfilled in the near future.
As Mars planet is in the 10th place with full strength and having its special look as this lagnam, they will purchase flat, house or lands. As the same lagnam is also having the look of Jupiter from the 3rd place. Their long cherished ambitions are fulfilled marriages and other good auspicious incidents are likely to occur in their homes. Very good time started for Kumba Lagna people.
Dharshans of Swamijis highly respectful people will be available and because of this unemployed people will get employment plan sanction which was in long time pending will get cleared soon. Long expected foreign assignment will be in the ………… Those who are expecting to get extension of job opportunities will get at the earliest.
The only problem they face will be the financial expenses. They should curtail the expenditures. Because lot of wasteful expenses likely to occur. That should be avoided wherever possible. Health also to be careful while taking food, please avoid stale food because it will be converted to poison as in the sixth place Ragu planet is there.
Kumba Lagna people are more happy after the transition of Saturn planet to the 11th position. Because long cherished ambitions of their ward’s marriage visiting temples in the far off places going to foreign countries visiting kith and kin will be fulfilled in the near future.
As Mars planet is in the 10th place with full strength and having its special look as this lagnam, they will purchase flat, house or lands. As the same lagnam is also having the look of Jupiter from the 3rd place. Their long cherished ambitions are fulfilled marriages and other good auspicious incidents are likely to occur in their homes. Very good time started for Kumba Lagna people.
Dharshans of Swamijis highly respectful people will be available and because of this unemployed people will get employment plan sanction which was in long time pending will get cleared soon. Long expected foreign assignment will be in the ………… Those who are expecting to get extension of job opportunities will get at the earliest.
The only problem they face will be the financial expenses. They should curtail the expenditures. Because lot of wasteful expenses likely to occur. That should be avoided wherever possible. Health also to be careful while taking food, please avoid stale food because it will be converted to poison as in the sixth place Ragu planet is there.
Kumba lagna people are getting due respect from the youngsters as well as senior people because of their diving power in their heads. In astrology Poorna Kumbam means, the divine itself dwells in this. Those who are born with Kumba Lagnam are noted with divine power and hence respected in the society. Good planets like Jupiter, Mercury and Venus located in one’s horoscope in the 11th place means they will be enjoying their life without an shortage of finance. They will not know the meaning of poverty at all. In such a kingly family, they will lead their life with full wealth, health and all Ayswariam.
In Thimba Chakkara, horoscope’s 11th place is given a very prominent position. In this horoscope,11th place is called Left Thigh position. People might have seen Lord Siva in this left thigh accommodated goddess Ambal Lakshmi Kadaksham is more pronounced in the left thigh position. That is why in the 11th place, any good planet situated means he or she will have enormous wealth and possible of vehicles. It is called Labha stanam. Lagna Lord is in the 11th position. Hence their desires and ambitions will get fulfilled easily, Jupiter, Sun and Mercury are in 9th place i.e.Bagya Stanam. They are more pious and worship deities in the far away places. They will undertake tours to get the dharshans of famous temples like Lord Venkateswara, Palani Murugan and get their blessings to a great extent.
Husband and wife relations are good and at the same time in the low ebb as 7th lord Sun is in the thulam raasi very much weaker position. Those who are having Sun in their 9th place better strengthen the planet Sun by wearing Ruby in the ring or dollar. Because Sun is the head of the planet. If that is weak, all the other planets are automatically become weak and may not perform their actions satisfactorily.
In order to get the Government job or getting government contract business, or to become politician, Sun planet should get strengthened. In this month as Venus and Mercury are getting exchanged. Hence Sun’s neecha position is nullified. Therefore, Sun’s position is better and those who are in politics, they are better engaged and profitably employed.
Friday : Diamond