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Company profile Initiated in the year 2003 with a definitive vision, our parent brand is a pioneer in more than one ways. Back then, E-commerce space was yet in its infancy, and the examples to follow were far and few. The aim and vision of the company, however, was set from the day one – to streamline a scattered, direction-less astrology market. Besides, which is undoubtedly the Numero Uno astrology website in India, the company now boasts of an impressive portfolio of running and upcoming products, services and brands

Horoscope is a plotting of thegeocentricpositions of the planetary bodies in relation to earth, as they move through the ecliptic in their annual journey around the sun; and in relation to the daily motion of the earth. They are charted in relation to the place and time of an event, a birth. It is a chart of the heavens cast for a particularmoment in time, as reflected at a particular place on the Earth's surface. It also gives the positions of other celestial bodies, and sensitive angles at the time of any moment in time .The construction and interpretation of the horoscope is the basis ofastrological practice. It gives a prediction of someone's future based on the relativepositions of the planets as it is a diagram of the positions of the planets and signs of the zodiac at a particular time and place.

Astrology is the best and educational branchof studies which can give no less than 90% of data with respect to connections and timing of marriage. Astrology outline has 12 divisions and thehouses which have first degree association with marriage are the first,second, fifth, seventh and eleventh house. Among these houses, the first and seventh is the mostvital houses. The first house is the impression of your identity while the seventh house is specifically inverse to the first house and it mirrors the qualitiesof the mate.

Thevast majority of the general population out there is taking a gander at astrology as a stream to get mysterydata about their lives and along these lines they can harvest a great deal of good things.Astrology isn't a branch to make you rich or more joyful. It is a branch to illuminateyou by helping you to recognize what your most astounding dharma what are the conceivable difficulties blocking you to take after your most noteworthy dharma. Astrology is a profound science not a mysterious science to hinder the unfavorable circumstances throughout your life.

Your mate ought to be a man who increases the value of your life and along these lines takes you towards the way of Moksha. The dasa and antardasa era of your seventh ruler or the planets sitting in the seventh house ought to be the perfect day and age for you to discover your companion. Moreover, the dasa and antardasa time of the fifth, and eleventh house masters and planet put in these houses are believed to be the time which triggers marriage.

Gemstone are Naturally occurring mineral that has been artificially polished, faceted, and shaped for decorative purposes. It is normally classified as precious (e.g. diamond, ruby, and emerald) or semi-precious (e.g. garnet, zircon, and topaz). Many gemstones are hard, clear, and free from natural imperfections.Semi Precious Gemstones are,Hematite, Iolite, Kunzite.Hematite is a mineral, colored black to steel or silver-gray, brown to reddish brown, or red. It is mined as the main ore of iron.Iolite helps in recovering balance, and is recommended for those suffering from disorientation, lack of motivation, chronic disorganization, and distraction. It strengthens the resolve to take on responsibility and carry through, and provides self-assurance and endurance in adverse situations.Kunzite is composed of lithium, aluminum and silicate. Kunzite crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system. The gemstones are the naturally occurring crystalline form of a mineral, which is desirable for its beauty, valuable in its rarity, apart from this it has a traditional value and contributes in curing the diseases, acquisition of wealth, for peace and other life matters

Wednesday : Emarald