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The study of time is best done through Vedic astrology rather than with atomic clocks, as Vedic astrology exist since the time carbon, uranium or potassium dating was not invented.


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Horoscope is a plotting of the geocentric positions of the planetary bodies in relation to earth, as they move through the ecliptic in their annual journey around the sun; and in relation to the daily motion of the earth. They are charted in relation to the place and time of an event, a birth. It is a chart of the heavens cast for a particular moment in time, as reflected at a particular place on the Earth's surface. It also gives the positions of other celestial bodies, and sensitive angles at the time of any moment in time .The construction and interpretation of the horoscope is the basis of astrological practice. It gives a prediction of someone's future based on the relative positions of the planets as it is a diagram of the positions of the planets and signs of the zodiac at a particular time and place

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